Cuanto vale un experto de google?

Matt Cuts es probablemente uno de los mejores desarrolladores de google y ahora esta buscando un nuevo empleo en Omaha (nose donde es) pero bueno lo que mas me sorprendio es lo que cobra el esta cobrando por a~o $250,000 y eso viene a ser casi 20,000 poe mes y  por una consulta cobra $1,000 la hora yo que no llego ni a los 25,000 dolares al a~o el gana 10 veces mas que yo realmente increible y  bueno un amigo de el puso en su blog si alguien lo contrataria para que trabaje para su empresa podria ser un candidato al congreso para manejar su base datos o algo asi pues pense que nadie le daria empleo mi sorpresa fue que empesaron a lloverle ofertas y  eran sumas realmeten increibles desde los 250,000 que el pedia hasta los 500,000 !!! no podia creerlo

aqui algunas ofertas que mostraron

  • TITLE: President of Software Development – Search Division
    JOB DESCRIPTION: Matt would manage the day-to-day operations and direction of Pepperjam’s internet software development – search division. As President, Matt would direct the overall strategy of the division and would be provided with the flexibility and resources to build a team around his vision for the future of search.
    SALARY: $250K Base + Profit Sharing + Stock
  • We would hire Matt Cutts immediately after him signing a non disclosure 😉 As unrealistic as this scenario is of course we would want to hire Matt. I would have to imagine he would be worth $500k+ a year. Job title would be “Strategist” and job description would be

    “Guide our publisher network and advertising strategies in a direction that gives our publishers and advertisers the best chance at success. Success measured from a monetization perspective for our Publishers and from a traffic and search engine rankings perspective for our Advertisers.

  • Yes I would hire Matt Cutts. i would offer him $150K a year. his job title would be head of natural search

  • I would offer Matt $200k plus bonuses and equity. I don’t think that is enough though, he is worth much more than that. I would imagine that the amount of business that he could bring in would be in the several million dollar range.

Yo creo que en mi pais (Peru) ningun  desarrollador podria ganar lo que gana el …

2 respuestas to “Cuanto vale un experto de google?”

  1. akira Says:

    En Perú es muy difícil ganar esa cantidad de dinero, pero conozco una persona de mi universidad que ganaba algo similar, era primer puesto en ingenieria electrónica y lo contrato la Panasonic de Japón como investigador, y luego de varios años lo jalo una empresa de petroleo americana. Cuanto billete debe estar ganado ese pata … Nada que enviar a Matts Cutts, pero el pata era «de otro planeta» …

  2. Umpan Jitu Lele Galatama Lele Induk Says:

    There’s certainly a lot to learn about this issue.
    I like all of the points you’ve made.

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